Hong An

Phone: (0551) 6360 3583

E-mail: han@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0426/c23235a460072/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Large-scale parallel computing chip, Parallel programming, Cognitive computing system for medical imaging


                             Enhong Chen


                            Phone: (0551) 6360 1558

                             E-mail: cheneh@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~cheneh

                             Research Interest: Machine learning, Data mining, Social networking, Personalized recommendation systems

Huanhuan Chen


                              E-mail: hchen@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~hchen/

                              Research Interest: Machine learning, Data mining, Computational intelligence, Evolutionary computing

                             Xiaoping Chen

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 6724

                             E-mail: xpchen@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://www.wrighteagle.org/en/people/xpchen.php

                             Research Interest: Agent formalization modeling and multi-robot system

Xue Chen



                              E-mail: xuechen1989@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2021/0720/c23236a517725/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Big data algorithms, Learning theory and foundations of machine learning, Complexity theory

Xiaohui Cai

Phone: (
0551) 6360 0524

E-mail: caixiaohui@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0827/c23236a460074/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Intelligent fabric, Embedded system, Ubiquitous/Wearable computing, Data mining

Hu Ding


E-mail: huding@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~huding/

                              Research Interest: Algorithm design and analysis, Computational geometry, Applications of Internet of Things

Nikolaos Freris

                              Phone: (0551) 6360 1767

E-mail: nfr@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~nfr/

                Research Interest: Large-scale Internet of Things, Optimization, Machine learning

Wei Gong


E-mail: weigong@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~weigong/

                              Research Interest: Large-scale Internet of Things, Intelligent perception, Wireless network, Distributed computing

Naijie Gu

Phone: (0551) 6360 3404

E-mail: gunj@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0828/c23235a460079/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Parallel algorithm and processing, Parallel architecture, IP layer multicast


                             Bei Hua

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 7043

                             E-mail: bhua@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~bhua/

                             Research Interest: High performance network system, Algorithm and system performance optimization

Liusheng Huang


                             Phone: (0512) 8716 1305, (0512) 8716 1118

                             E-mail: lshuang@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0828/c23235a460081/page.htm

                             Research Interest: Wireless sensor network, Internet of Things, Information security, Big Data and cloud computing

                             Jing Li

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 2475

                             E-mail: lj@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0828/c23235a460094/page.htm

                             Research Interest: Combined software technology, Large network system, Distributed Algorithm

                             Xi Li

                              Phone: (0551) 6360 1556

                              E-mail: llxx@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~llxx

                              Research Interest: Embedded real-time system, Low power system, Intelligent computer system

                             Xiang-Yang Li


E-mail: xiangyangli@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xiangyangli/

                              Research Interest: Wireless Networking/Mobile Computing/RFID, Privacy and Security, Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT

                             Defu Lian


E-mail: liandefu@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~liandefu

                              Research Interest: Data mining and knowledge discovery, Recommendation system, Machine learning method and its application

                             Qi Liu

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 3823

                             E-mail: qiliuql@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~qiliuql/

                             Research Interest: Data mining and knowledge discovery, Machine learning methods and applications

                             Xianghang Mi


                             E-mail: xmi@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: https://xianghang.me

                             Research Interest: IoT Security, Network Security, Cyber crime

                             Pan Peng


                             E-mail: ppeng@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~ppeng/

                             Research Interest: Intersection betweeen theoretical computer science, network science and data science

Guangzhong Sun

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 2443

                               E-mail: gzsun@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~gzsun/

                               Research Interest: High performance computing and algorithm optimization, Big data processing and application

                             Shangfei Wang

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 2824

                             E-mail: sfwang@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~sfwang/

                             Research Interest: Pattern recognition, Affective computing, Computer vision, Multimedia technology

                             Mingjun Xiao

                             Phone: (0512) 8716 1312

                             E-mail: xiaomj@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xiaomj

                             Research Interest: Smart mobile computing, Blockchain technology and applications, Big data management and privacy protection

                             Yan Xiong

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 0689

                             E-mail: yxiong@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0828/c23235a460082/page.htm

                             Research Interest: Computer networks and information security, Mobile computing and mobile networks, Distributed processing

                             Yinlong Xu

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 1013

                             E-mail: ylxu@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0828/c23235a460084/page.htm

                             Research Interest: Storage system, Data processing, High performance computing

Hongli Xu

                             Phone: (0512) 8716 1305

                             E-mail: xuhongli@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xuhongli

                             Research Interest: Cloud computing/ Software defined network, Intelligent Network/ Edge computing, Internet of Things

Linli Xu



                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~linlixu/

                               Research Interest: Machine Learning, Data Mining

Yun Xu

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 2441

                             E-mail: xuyun@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xuyun/

                             Research Interest: Big data mining algorithm and application, Parallel programming model and performance optimization

                             Lan Zhang


                             E-mail: zhanglan@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0706/c23236a460088/page.htm

                             Research Interest: Big data understanding, Data privacy protection, Data sharing transaction

                             Xinming Zhang

                             Phone: (0551) 6360 2446

                             E-mail: xinming@ustc.tsg211.com

                             Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xinming;  https://publons.com/researcher/1171177/xinming-zhang/

                             Research Interest: Wireless network, Big data, Smart grid


Yanyong Zhang


E-mail: yanyongz@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~yanyongz

                              Research Interest: Intelligent Internet of Things, Intelligent perception, Perception of intelligent unmanned systems

Xuehai Zhou

Phone: (0551) 6360 6864, 6349 2149

                              E-mail: xhzhou@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xhzhou

                              Research Interest: Heterogeneous multi-core architecture, Reconfigurable system, Embedded system design

Yu Zhang



                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~yuzhang 

                               Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud native and quantum computing.

Yongkun Li



                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~ykli 

                               Research Interest: Large-scale parallel/distributed storage systems, Virtualization and cloud computing, Storage support for various applications

Qi Song



                               Homepage: https://songqi1990.github.io/

                               Research Interest: Big Data, databases systems and data management

Da Sun



                               Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2022/0418/c23236a640205/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Robot system learning and perception, automatic control, intelligent algorithms and applications

Haisheng Tan



                               Homepage:  http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~hstan/ 

                               Research Interest:Networking Algorithm Design and System Implementation:Mobile Computing,Edge Computing, Datacenter Networks, and AI+Edge,Online Algorithms, Distributed Algorithms, Game Theory, and Computational Complexity

Chao Wang



                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~cswang 

                               Research Interest: Neural Network Processors, FPGA, Big Data Accelerators

Tong Xu




                               Research Interest: Social Media Analysis, Multimodal Intelligence and other data mining related techniques

Xiaohua Xu



                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~xiaohuaxu/

                               Research Interest: Intelligent Internet of Things, Edge Computing, cloud edge end collaboration

Jiahui Hou



                               Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2022/0715/c23236a562665/page.htm

                               Research Interest:Smart Internet of Things Security, Artificial Intelligence Security, Edge-Cloud Computing

Qianfang Liao



                               Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2022/0418/c23236a640206/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Robot perception and learning, intelligent algorithms and applications, automatic control

Shuai Shao


                               E-mail: shao10@ustc.tsg211.com


                               Research Interest: Theoretical Computer Science

Hong Xie



                               Homepage: https://hongxie.github.io/  

                               Research Interest: Context aware online learning including contextual bandits and contextual reinforcement learning, with a special focus on the large scale setting.

Yinxing Xue



                               Homepage: https://yinxingxue.github.io/ 

                               Research Interest: Software engineering and Cyber Security

Yangming Zhao



                               Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2021/0803/c23237a519117/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Quantum Communication, Network Communication Systems, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning

(Last Updated on 12 July, 2024)