Kaiming Chen

Phone: (0551) 6360 6975

E-mail: chenkm@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23239a460115/page.htm

Research Interest: Software reverse engineering, Data intelligence, Virtual simulation

Lanfang Dong

Phone: 136 9654 0206

E-mail: lfdong@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~lfdong/

                              Research Interest: Image and video intelligence analysis, Knowledge mapping and dialogue systems


Wentin Han

Phone: (0551) 6360 0839

                              E-mail: han@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23239a460117/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Parallel algorithms and software, Parallel storage and processing of big data

Wenchao Huang


                              E-mail: huangwc@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~huangwc

                              Researh Interest: Information security, Artificial intelligence, Mobile computing, Networks and systems

Zhangjin Huang

Phone: (0551) 6360 3829

                              E-mail: zhuang@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~zhuang

                              Research Interest: Computer graphics, Computer aided (geometric) design, GPU computing, Computer vision

Jianmin Ji


                              E-mail: jianmin@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~jianmin/

                              Research Interest: Cognitive robot, Deep reinforcement learning, Knowledge representation and reasoning


Peiquan Jin

Phone: (0551) 6360 7242

E-mail: jpq@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~jpq

                              Research Interest: Database system and application, Big data storage and. management, Web information extraction and retrieval

Jinlong Li

Phone: (0551) 6360 2824

                              E-mail: jlli@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~jlli/

                              Research Interest: Evolutionary computing theory, Networks, Wireless communications


Guiquan Liu

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 7481

                               E-mail: gqliu@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23239a460124/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Machine learning, Intelligent information processing and mining, Internet information extraction


Min Lv

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 3412

                               E-mail: lvmin05@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~lvmin05    

                               Research Interest: Fault-tolerant storage systems, Graph computing, Data privacy

Jianhui Ma

Phone: (0551) 6360 1551

E-mail: jianhui@ustc.tsg211.com

Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~jianhui

Research Interest: Artificial Intelligent, Artificial Immune System (AIS), Computer Security, Chance Discovery

Fuyou Miao

                               Phone: 13866166896 

                               E-mail: mfy@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~mfy

                               Research Interest: Information security, Secret sharing, Coding and application of passwords

Ye Tian

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 2445

                               E-mail: yetian@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~yetian

                               Research Interest: Future network technology, Internet big data, Software defined network


Shouhong Wan


                               E-mail: wansh@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23239a460133/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Computer image processing and understanding, Remote sensing image processing, Artificial intelligence

Xingfu Wang

                              Phone: (0551) 6360 7858

                              E-mail: Wangxfu@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~wangxfu/

                              Research Interest: Sensor network and security, Complex system modeling, Embedded system


Yang Wang

                              Phone: (0512) 8716 1105

                              E-mail: angyan@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~angyan/

                              Research Interest: Urban computing, Spatio-temporal data mining, Artificial intelligence


Feng Wu

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 6724

                               E-mail: wufeng02@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~wufeng02/

                               Research Interest: Intelligent Robots, Multi-Agent Systems, Autonomous Reasoning and Decision Making


Junmin Wu

                               Phone: 139 6670 7299, (0512) 8716 1102

                               E-mail: jmwu@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23239a460139/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Virtualization technology and cloud computing, Multi-core computer systems and applications


Kai Xing


                               E-mail: kxing@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~kxing

                               Research Interest: Internet of Things/Internet, Big data and cloud computing, Financial/medical data mining

Wei Xu

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 7954

                               E-mail: xuweihf@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0909/c23239a463206/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Experiment teaching of software courses


Wei Yang

                              Phone: (0512) 8716 1316

                              E-mail: qubit@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~qubit

                              Research Interest: Information security, Big data and cloud computing, Quantum information processing


Fanping Zeng

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 1657

                               E-mail: billzeng@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~billzeng/

                               Research Interest: Network (Internet of Things) and system security, Cloud side resource collaborative optimization

Junxia Zhang

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 7954

                               E-mail: zjx@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0905/c23239a463247/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Computer system structure, Embedded system design


Haoran Zheng

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 0432

                               E-mail: hrzheng@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0905/c23239a460152/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Mass data mining technology, Small sample learning technology, Computer modeling and simulation


Qilong Zheng

                               Phone: (0551) 6360 2441

                               E-mail: QLZheng@ustc.tsg211.com

                               Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0905/c23239a460153/page.htm

                               Research Interest: Development of Core DSP C compiler, Deep learning platform and application research


Hao Zhou


                              E-mail: kitewind@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0905/c23239a460148/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Internet of Things, Next generation communication network, Resource scheduling and optimization

Lei Gong


                              E-mail: leigong0203@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0905/c23239a460148/page.htm

                              Research Interest: FPGA hardware acceleration system, artificial intelligence accelerator, domain specific computing

Cheng Li

                              Phone:(0551) 63603412

                              E-mail: kitewind@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~chengli7

 Research Interest: Large-scale, Real-time and Highly available Distributed systems

Zhenya Huang


                              E-mail: huangzhy@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage:  http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~huangzhy/

                              Research Interest: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Artificial Intelligence

Yubo Yan


                              E-mail: yuboyan@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: yuboyan@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Research Interest: Internet of Things, mobile computing, passive networks, intelligent perception

Hui Zhang


                              E-mail: fzhh@ustc.tsg211.com 

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/1203/c23239a462605/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Wireless network and communication, intelligent computing

Gongming Zhao


                              E-mail: gmzhao@ustc.tsg211.com 

                              Homepage: https://gmzhao-ustc.github.io/

                              Research Interest: network for AI, cloud computing, software defined networking, network function virtualization and data center networks

Zhaofeng Su


                              E-mail: qudit@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/0906/c23240a647273/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Quantum algorithm design, quantum computing theory

Junshi Chen


                              E-mail: cjuns@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/1203/c23240a462625/page.htm

                              Research Interest: High performance computing, parallel programming, parallel programming models and runtime systems

Mingyue Cheng



                              Homepage: https://mingyue-cheng.github.io/

                              Research Interest: Time Series Analysis,Natural Language Processing,Recommender Systems

Jianchun Liu



                              Homepage: https://jcliu17.github.io/

                              Research Interest: software defined networking, network function virtualization, data center networks, edge computing, federated learning and Internet of Things.

Jingwei Sun



                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2021/0113/c23240a579719/page.htm

                              Research Interest: High performance Computing, Performance Evaluation and Modeling, parallel algorithms, Scientific computing

Han Tian



                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2021/0104/c23240a634054/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Intelligent network systems, machine learning systems, privacy computing

Hao Wang



                              Homepage: http://staff.ustc.tsg211.com/~wanghao3/

                              Research Interest: Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Deep Learning

Xiangyu Wang



                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2023/1020/c23240a615267/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Knowledge engineering, causal learning, data mining

Si Wu



                              Homepage: https://kobesi.github.io/

                              Research Interest: Fault-tolerant storage systems, parallel and distributed systems, cloud computing

Wei Xie


                              E-mail:xxieww@ustc.tsg211.com ,xxieww@gmail.com

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/1125/c23240a461596/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Algorithm design and complexity analysis for quantum property testing and quantum machine learning, quantum correlation theory

Yang Xu


                              E-mail: xuyangcs@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2020/1203/c23239a462605/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Internet of Things, multi-access edge computing, pervasive computing, intelligent perception

Kai Zhang


                              E-mail: kkzhang08@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: Kai Zhang's Homepage (ustc.tsg211.com)

                              Research Interest: software defined networking, network function virtualization, data center networks, edge computing, federated learning and Internet of Things

Xiren Zhou


                              E-mail: zhou0612@ustc.tsg211.com

                              Homepage: https://cs.ustc.tsg211.com/2021/1115/c23240a532870/page.htm

                              Research Interest: Remote sensing data analysis, data mining, machine learning

( Last Updated on 12 July, 2024 )